Wed. 5/10 + Sat. 5/20 + Fri. 6/2
sign up for a private hypnosis or astrology reading
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approximate time | full cost / sliding scale suggestion
daydreaming combo
2hrs | $220 / $200
platicas & divination
30min | $70 / $50
tradtional readings
1hr | $150 / $130
guided hypnosis exerience
1hr | $150 / $130
Holds your appointment and goes towards your total amount.

Under the title of Occult Americana, Julia Arredondo’s personal artmaking practice explores the manufacturing of talismans, amuletic prints and the process of assigning metaphysical value to handmade objects. This work is heavily influenced by botánica culture and the syncretic spirituality of South Texas. Julia’s latest explorations focus on the similarities of visual language in spaces of retail and worship. Visual merchandising and altar building share similarities in creating space to invoke desire or wish fulfillment through object placement.
APRIL 28th - JUNE 3rd 2023
Roots & Culture Chicago

Chad Kouri is a Chicago-based working artist and musician investigating the healing powers of color, sound, and abstraction. His mixed-race identity is mirrored by his multidisciplinary studio
practice focusing broadly on visual Art, performance, and community engagement while considering theories based in minimalism, color theory, mutual aid, semiotics, Creative Improvised Music, and radical joy.
Utilizing a wide range of skill sets and strategies, his paintings, performances, installations, and other projects remind us to stay curious and make time for play, rest, and introspection, inspiring a slower pace in our day-to-day lives as a form of self-care, personal grounding, and acceptance. He is a student of Isaiah Collier and Vincent Davis, studying saxophone performance and improvisational strategies and concepts.
Katia Pérez Fuentes is a professional astrologer, certified hypnotist, and interdisciplinary artist. KPF helps people embody their celestial design through immersive sensory engagements. Their practice is dedicated to leisure as a form of resilience, autonomous experiences that enhance people’s quality of life. By facilitating rituals designed for learning, play, rest, and celebration, KPF creates an alchemy of opportunities for self-actualization.
KPF integrates cosmobiology with various forms of occult cultural practices, rasquachismo sensibilities, plus magical realism’s contemporary revival. This includes divination, dream works, and curanderismo rites informed by traditional ancestral wisdom.

your cosmic blueprint & celestial timings
Neo-classical readings building off 2400+ years of history. Contemporary interpretations rooted in traditional background in Medieval, Renaissance, 20th century Uranian cosmobiology, and teachings from industry leading professionals. Foundational and advanced studies under the Oraculos School of Astrology, plus various other schools of thought.
Concrete insights centered on planet-based narratives. Consulting astrologer since 2020.
Delineations include: Predictive astrology using revolutions, progressions, directions, embolismic lunations, and phase returns. Horary and dream charts. Observing using the nodes, eclipses, and pulling from evolutionary astrology when appropriate. Medial astrology basics, gem and herbal associations. Locational astrocartography.
Basic understandings of medical astrology.
In recent years this astrology practice acknowledges Human Design as another tool to support clients, primarily in Hypnosis consultations.
a goal-oriented practice of meditation, manifestation, & materialization
When we enter a trance state it becomes easier create new neuro-pathways and evoke our desired changes more efficiently. Taking our focused attention into deeply relaxed states generates theta waves, which naturally occur just before falling asleep. In this 'dream' state we can unlock memories, reframe beliefs, and recondition our habits.
I am certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists as a consulting practitioner and graduate of The Divine Feminine School of Hypnosis.
My style of trance work is also informed by cultural practices and curanderismo rites. This includes energy clearing, limpias, and soul loss work learned through mentors in my communities.